Our Story

A fire is burning in the dark.

Our Story

Doc's Firewood is a family run, community driven business.

Where your fires help others.

We take pride in small town service with far reaching impact to both our customers and community. We have a passion for spending time in the beautiful outdoors and we combine that with a love for making special memories with friends and family.

Firewood is more than just something you burn. It’s creating special experiences, making s’mores, time spent with family & friends and community gatherings. It’s tradition, presenting itself as a modern pastime, rooted in the environment and conservation.

Doc's Firewood deeply believes in giving back. They demonstrate this through their Forest Restoration Program and by donating a portion of proceeds to local charities. They plant new trees each year to replenish the environment and work closely with an organization (Firefighters for Healing) to give back to kids who have been impacted by a burn injury.

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Doc's Family

“Doc” was born and raised in Central Minnesota. His love for the outdoors began by spending countless time with his father in the north woods throughout childhood.

Now as a father of four young kids, he has a desire to continue those traditions with his own family. “Doc’s” name stems from his professional career as a Burn and Trauma surgeon in the Twin Cities. When he’s not at the hospital, you can find him in a deer stand, on the lake or watching his daughter’s play soccer.

Doc's Firewood, for him, is a way to dig his teeth into nature and conservation, while at the same time provide an amazing product for his customers to enjoy throughout all four Minnesota seasons. His dream is for his children to help run the business one day as well.